팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.

Advanced Thermal Management Laboratory


Welcome to the Advanced Thermal Management Laboratory (ATMLab) under the guidance of Prof. Jungho Lee in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Ajou University.


Advanced Thermal Management Laboratory (ATMLab) is recruiting postdoctoral researchers and graduate students with passionate and innovative minds.
If you are interested in the laboratory or want to join it, please contact Prof. Jungho Lee (e-mail: jungholee@ajou.ac.kr).
Check out the following link for more detailed information about the graduate school admission process.



    Phase-Change Heat Transfer


    Thermal Management


    Heat pipe, Vapor chamber, and TGP




  • Impact force and occurrence condition of geyser boiling in two-phase closed thermosyphon

    International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
    JinHyeuk Seo, Jungchul Lee, Jungho Lee

  • Operation Characteristics and Limitations of Small-diameter Two-phase Closed Thermosyphon

    International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
    Sukkyung Kang , Jungho Lee

  • Thermal Performance of Eco-Friendly Thermosyphon for Snow Melting and Anti-icing

    The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
    Seokjin Lee, Sukkyung Kang, Jin Hyeuk Seo, Jungho Lee

  • Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Performance of Micro-Thick Copper Foam with Porosity

    The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
    Junyoung Choi, Su-yoon Doh, Jungho Lee

  • Development and Validation in Thermal Design Program of Thermosyphon Heat Exchanger

    The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
    Kyuil Kim, JinHyeuk Seo, Sukkyung Kang, Jungho Lee

  • Thermal performance enhancement in two-phase closed thermosyphon with sandblasted evaporator surface

    International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
    Sukkyung Kang, Seokjin Lee, Jungho Lee

  • Explicitly defined empirical constant for phase-change simulation in a two-phase closed thermosyphon

    International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
    Sehyeon Cho, Dayoung Kong, Gyohoon Geum, Seungjae Lee, Junrae Park, Seong Hyuk Lee, Jungho Lee , Hyoungsoon Lee

  • Empirical modeling and experimental validation of gas-to-liquid heat pipe heat exchanger with baffles

    Sukkyung Kang, Kyuil Kim, JinHyeuk Seo, Jungho Lee

  • Compact heat pipe heat exchanger for waste heat recovery within a low-temperature range

    International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
    Jinhyeuk Seo, Sukkyung Kang, Kyuil Kim, Jungho Lee

  • Pool boiling heat transfer enhancement using the micro-thick metallic foam surface in saturated water

    International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
    Hyunmuk Lim, Su-Yoon Doh, Junyoung Choi, Jungchan Moc, Seung M. You, Jungho Lee

  • Effects of cover plate wettability on pool boiling heat transfer in a narrow gap

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
    Aqsa Rukhsar, Dani Fadda, Xiaomeng Wang, Jungho Lee*, Seung M. You*

  • Thermal performance analysis of heat pipe heat exchanger for effective waste heat recovery

    International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
    Sukkyung Kang 1, Gyohoon Geum 1, Sehyeon Cho, Daeyoung Kong, Seungjae Lee, JinHyeuk Seo, Dong Hwan Shin, Seong Hyuk Lee, Hyoungsoon Lee*, Jungho Lee*

  • Effect of inner diameter on the confinement of two-phase closed thermosyphon

    International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
    Sukkyung Kang, Jin Hyeuk Seo, Jungho Lee

  • Experimental and computational investigation of thermal performance and fluid flow in two-phase closed thermosyphon

    Applied Thermal Engineering
    Sehyeon Cho, Daeyoung Kong, Gyohoon Geum, Sukkyung Kang, Jin Hyeuk Seo, Jun Soo Kim, Seong Hyuk Lee, Jungho Lee, Hyoungsoon Lee

  • Effect of Marangoni condensation on the heat transfer performance of two-phase closed thermosyphons

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
    Seo D., Seo J.H., Shim J., Nam Y., Lee J.


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  • 2023-05 03

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  • 2023-02 16

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